Saturday, May 2, 2015

Plants in a Jug ..... Worked!

Earlier this Spring, I posted a blog about starting seeds in milk jugs.  I had seen this done on another blog, A Garden for the House.

I started out on the right track.  Planted four jugs and put them outside to sprout.  First the wind took them for a patio spin.  I replanted.  Next Liberty dog used them for areal toys.  I totally lost all of the lavender seeds on that deal.  I replanted. 

Now down to three jugs, I put them in a clear plastic tote on top of my patio table.  They have been there for about four weeks now.  The only attention I gave them was to bring them in twice before frosts.  You can see that they have done a great job of sprouting and growing into little plants.  The end result is that the plants are not spindly like some of the ones grown inside.  

The tall lacy plants are German Chamomile.  The plants next to them are Holyhocks.  The plants in the back are Zinnias.  The Zinnias are small yet so the lid is going back on that jug for a couple more weeks.  I am going to leave the other two jugs open and in the tote to "harden" for another week before I transplant them in the garden.  

I have learned several things.  This is a really easy and successful way to start seedlings.  Next year I won't mess around with allowing the dog access and replanting!  Also, next year I will plant a lot more jugs! 

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