Friday, July 25, 2014

Refrigerator Pickles 101

In the world of growing cucumbers, one of two things happens.  The vines either shrivel and die early or they flourish and produce more cucumbers than you want or need.  As a gardener, I would surely take the latter situation.

There was a time when I had big stone crocks full of pickles curing on our kitchen counter.  Dark green lime pickles. Bright red cinnamon pickles.  Dill pickles.  Anymore, Mark and I eat a ton of refrigerator pickles during the summer.  Leftover pickles can last in the freezer all winter. 

This summer, I discovered a great hint for making pickles crisp.  An old time cookbook suggested packing a few grape leaves in the jar along with the pickles.  Grape leaves contain "Tannin" which is a natural "crisper".  It works!  In a couple of days, the homemade pickles are crispy as can be!  Forget using those store bought pre mixed pickle spice mixes.  (Which do not make for such a a crispy pickle).  A couple more hints ..... keep an eye on your growing cucumbers and pick them before they are big and bitter.  Baby is better.  As you are washing them, cut off the blossom end and rinse again.  This will help keep your pickles from getting smushy too.

The following recipe is one that I have made and shared for years.  Foolproof and Fabulous!
         Martha Stewart's Refrigerator Pickles

Place in a 1/2 gallon jar with lid:
7 cups sliced cucumbers
1 cup sliced onion
1 cup sliced green peppers

Combine and pour over:
1 cup cider vinegar
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp celery seed
2 tsp salt

Cover and refrigerate 3 days.  Stir every day.  
After 3 days, the pickles may be packaged and frozen.
I have kept these in the refrigerator for several weeks
although they usually never last that long!

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